No, to get rid of the rough edges, just put the feather up to like 10 or so. It fades the edges away, for that nice smoothe look.
But what i want to know, is if when you cut out an image, and you have the feather on 10, can you change the color of the feather. Like for example can you make it so when you cut out a guys head, the fading color is yellow? I dunno, i was just wondering.
Could you understand that? Damn that was hard to explain because i dont know much about adobe...
I use the lasso (freehand selection) to get rid of the majority of the unwanted image. Then, I nibble away using different eraser brushes. You need a steady hand for this, though.
from what i know you cant fade the feather to a different color, i use magnetic lasso and eraser for touching up. sometimes i even try select by the color if theres a few different colors used