Location: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"
04-12-2003, 09:40 AM
Please make these threads stop. All the good players have moved on. I play bf1942/desert combat mostly now, I just don't find MOHAA much fun anymore. What's nice is that you can be ranked, but the problem is bfstats.com has a ranking system that is exploited by every noob, so they all get the high rankings when the better players just play and can't get close to the top 25. Almost every player on that top 25 has the minimum amount of time required to be ranked. They need to change it.
Then why the fuck are you on the forums??
i swear you guys piss me the fuck off just be lucky that i don't know where you live cause i will beat the shit outta you.
lots of people join forums...egt attached to the people...but then lsoe intrest in the reason they came to the forums in the firts place, but still stay to talk with the people they ahve been talking with for the past year.
Then why the fuck are you on the forums??
i swear you guys piss me the fuck off just be lucky that i don't know where you live cause i will beat the shit outta you.
Hamlin,NY. I'll give you further directions when you get here bone smoker.
lol, i joined these forums a long time ago, but i never post. i just read the obs section for the laughs. those scores are not impressive at all. anyways AA is boring as hell. Long live Counter-Strike.
MOH is full of noobs now. tonight i decided i would try spearhead for the first time since late november & i was 13-1 with the russian riflle (froget the name) & at the top of the score list. seriously these guys were so bad. they would just stand still & fire a bolt action rifle at me. id doge the shot & take em out when they reloaded. i was amazed. then finally 2 other people of equal strenght as me came on so it got a bit more interesting.
lol, i joined these forums a long time ago, but i never post. i just read the obs section for the laughs. those scores are not impressive at all. anyways AA is boring as hell. Long live Counter-Strike.
counter strike is a pos. anyone with cable connection or higher shouldnt even bother with that junk.