screenshots:how to get and how to look at -
04-27-2003, 04:13 PM
hit F12 whilst in game, if that does'nt work enter MOHAAMAIN folder ,in here should be a Screenshot folder if not just create one. I had to and I've the original game.
To bring them up and play with you need a programme like Irfanview.get it from with this you can change the shot format to .bmg or ..gif etc
Check this out takes scrennies and takes video while you play ... does take your FPS to 30 but its fun to play with ... also if you dont know much about graphic programs dont bother with PS7 there area a lot of other programs that are smaller dl and also lots less complicated
To be honest I did not check the size before downloading , but the size folder for it is 1.24MB, so its not taking up to much space, I mainly use it to convert to/from .gif etc to .bmp etc. Depending on what screenie i want to send and what the different sites will let you load up. hope it helps
i didnt read the first page of this thread but do u have photoshop or psp because if you open the screenie in that, just go to save as in the file menu and you can change the file type for smaller file size