Er, they weren't missing that much. Only when they neglected to let the recoil die down. They had it set fine, no human has the reactions they had.
And if you feel I don't have the experience to back that claim up you should see some of the legit players I have had the pleasure of crossing sights with. They are virtually aimbots and skinhacks because of their reactions and hearing and knowledge.
But! Even they don't turn a full 45 degrees to aim and instantly fire at you as they emerge from a corner when you're half a map away, static and only poking your head out. And hit.
And one of them admitted to using it.
The other didn't say a thing but he was even worse. Neither tried to hide it.
I beat them because:
- I have enough experience to out-wit them and I could kill the other players faster than they did.[/*:m:5f7f4]
- No matter how accurate you are with the SMG/MG you have to pause to reset aim between bursts. A good player can snipe someone between those bursts if they're quick enough. [/*:m:5f7f4]
- No aimbot will make the weapon you are firing any more accurate. When running SMGs and Mg can be very innacurate even on first shot. All the aimbot does is put your crosshair on them and fire. You know full-well that you can still miss due to the physics.[/*:m:5f7f4]
- If you are behind them they won't shoot at you (unless they change the POV cvar).[/*:m:5f7f4]
- Not as useful in big fights - I picked them off while they were killing someone else quite a lot and often stole their kills.[/*:m:5f7f4]
- They just weren't that good at the game.[/*:m:5f7f4]
They may have hit me a lot but they didn't have the skill to take me down before I got my fair share of kills.
You may feel I'm just bragging but my point is this: Very few truly skilled players, players who have spent hours and hours practicing the game and enjoying it will bother to use this cheat.
Only the truly moronic and anally retentive players (and I use the word "players" loosely - I don't particularly class hitting up down left and right while the computer does the rest for you as "playing" - may as well play pong) are likely to spend time using this cheat.
Whilst this doesn't mean you will avoid this cheat it does mean that the majority of those that do use it won't be classy enough to be able to take down the best players.
It signals doom for newer players, sadly, and it will most likely increase cheat accusations tenfold (this is the only aspect that gets on my tits).
Also, those who like to play realism... no chance... This cheat will tear realism apart. Unless you see them first they will kill you, pretty much guaranteed.
The funny thing is, and this truly portrays the mentality of the cheater of online games, is that a lot of those who replied to the thread releasing this cheat are now saying things like: "MoH is dead" "This is the end of MoH" "This sucks, don't make it undetectable, or MOH will die!".
You couldn't make it up.
They want these cheats, they beg for them and when they get them they start crying that it will kill their beloved game.
No shit sherlock.