[quote="|GoDs| - Anubis":1d708]Thanks to you guys who honestly answered my thread. I appreciate the feedback. I do apologize for the multiple posts. Didnt mean to do that, connection kept timing out when I attempted to post so I thought I had to resubmit.[/quote:1d708]
yeah, and it somehow posted in different forums.... riiiight... btw, if you have all this time to post so many times, how about YOU get a life
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
06-13-2003, 06:52 AM
[quote="Simo Häyhä":31825]OMG HI2U DEWD DO CNA I JOIN UR CLAN?@???@??? LOLO JK MAN IM KIK AZZ WIV THE SNIPERER RIFLE AND I OWN ALL FUKKIN N00BZ WIV IT CUZ IM RELLY GOOD BUT IDONT HAX LIEK MOSST FAGZ SAY CUZ THER GAY FAGZ OLOLOOL!!!!!!!1 LIEK U NO WHUT IM TALKIN BOUT>??? OKOKOK THIS 1 TYME I WAS SNIPIERING THIESE FAGZ AND I WAS TYPINHG STUFF AND SUM DFAG SHOT ME BUT I TUERNED ARUND AND KILLED THE N00B LOL BUT IWANNA JOIN UR CLAN SO EMAIL ME AT [email="KEWLSNIPERDEWD@AOL.COM"]KEWLSNIPERDEWD@AOL.COM[/email] BTW I USE AOL DAIL UP CUZ MY MOMZ A FAG AND SHE WONT LET ME GWET CBALE LOLOL!@!!!!!!1 evil: evil: ed: hake: hake: zooka: bigzooka: mwah: cool: angel: swordfight: oOo: biggrin: fire1: fire1: M16: cry: freak: fire2: fire2: mad: eek: happy: evil: evil: evil: ed: ed: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: hake: cool: bigzooka: zooka: M16: fire1: biggrin: fire1:[/quote:31825]H MEH EMH!!!IN CANNA BE PRzV JACKSON NBBANG!!!DIWEE U BULGARAISN!!!!! fire1: fire1: fire1: fire1: fire1: fire1: fire1: fire1: happy: happy: happy: happy: evil: evil: evil: oOo: oOo: oOo: cry: cry: cry: eek: eek: ed: ed: swordfight: swordfight: swordfight: swordfight: biggrin: biggrin: freak: freak: hake: hake: angel: fire2: fire2: fire2: zooka: zooka: cool: M16: cool: mad: mad: bigzooka: bigzooka: bigzooka: mwah: mwah: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: