Originally Posted by MinorThreat
It's a single player expansion pack, what do you want the rebirth of hitler?
I want something more than 3 hours worth of entertainment, for starters. Granted, the first time I played it on hard mode it took me a few days to finish but that's only because I deliberately paced myself to a mission a day.
But that wasn't my point (yawn, here we go again). My point was that it could have been so much more than what it was and that it was a very promising start that failed to live up to what it could have been, just like the original MoH:AA.
[quote:b540a]Maybe they could have made the friendly AI players really good so you could just sit back and watch and still win the maps? that would have been really exciting[/quote:b540a]
How droll.
Perhaps if they made both the friendly AI
and the enemy AI really good then it would mean you would be forced to work with your AI team-mates to ensure that you won.
As it stands, having an enemy AI stand still looking right at me without responding while I lean around the corner popping him off whilst my friendly AI fire innefectively at the other enemy for a good 5 seconds without hitting isn't what I'd call good AI.
The very fact that, except for a few exceptions, every single enemy AI is killed by me and me alone goes to show that despite their efforts to make this less of a Rambo shooter and more of a team-based shooter, EA have failed to improve on the AI in this respect at all.
What do
you expect from a full-priced expansion, mate?
I suppose you expect to pay $20 for a short game, with below average AI, various bugs (which are never fixed) where the majority of the MP maps are created by the community (for no payment whatsoever)?
You obviously never played the original Half-Life, from which many improvements and modifications were released for free, virtually all of which are of a higher standard than anything EA have done for MOH. This guaranteeing sales of the original HL units right up until the release of HL2 over 5 years later.
No, you didn't get my post at all. I expect more, I didn't get more and I couldn't give a shit what I got because EA won't be getting any more of my money - Not that they got a penny from me for MoH:SH because I bought it second hand.
You evidently have lower standards. That's cool by me. Whilst you're enjoying the wonders of the next shitty expansion, Breakthrough, I'll be enjoying the true AI genius of HL2.
The words "back", "skin", "off" and "no" come to mind.