negative. Thompson holds the gun with a grip behind the trigger and not the stock. also thomspon is set off from the gun too far since the clip is so long. The bar's works 3 times as good since the gun and clip are both similar in shape. trust me, I have a carbine that reloads like it should and I know which reload works the best. either way you hafta edit them a bit to make them fit perfectly though. VERY nice job on the model though.
The only problem i see with replacing it with the BAR is after relaod. when the slide is pulled back the Games BAR's slide is on the left which is incorrect for the Carbine,, Its gonna look funny and be incorrect pulling the slide back on the left hand side of a Carbine. oOo:
but however It looks great!! NICE JOB! .. and id use it regardless. biggrin:
Oh ya, and like Strik0r said.. the front sight is still missing the sight post.