00:52] *** Joins: Bazooka_Joe (~NRay7882@user-12hdjh8.cable.mindspring.com)
[00:52] <Bazooka_Joe> You can pass this on to Judas, as hes not here right now
[00:52] <Bazooka_Joe> And for the rest of you clowns to read as well
[00:52] *** DoomOnYou sets mode: +m
[00:53] *** Joins: |Chango| (
[00:53] *** DoomOnYou sets mode: +v |Chango|
[00:54] *** Parts: Bazooka_Joe (~NRay7882@user-12hdjh8.cable.mindspring.com)
yeah that was great. too bad i didn't save the pm of you telling us we would be banned when badscript found out