Originally Posted by BucKweEd
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by KingWade
yes im 12 even though im turning 15 on nov 15
Wtf...You're 14 and doing shrooms?
Haha.....you'll be living in the gutter in a matter of years, believe me.
yeah, tripper has had to do the same in the past =\
Yes, and a word of advice from living in the gutter: If its got something weird on it, don't suck it.
Originally Posted by KingWade
fun the gutter i barley ever do drugs so dont think im some kind of super stoner or anything iv done mushrooms only twice before
Whatever. Super stoner or not, you're doing shrooms at quite a young age.
Most people I know (with the exception of AntiHero), have only done that kind of shit after at least 18 years old.
IMO - It's VERY stupid doing it at 14.
.....But I'm prying into business that's not mine, so I'll drop it.