Originally Posted by guarnere
wait til the new installments of MoH come out
MoH > CoD
ASSUMING Pacific assault gets proper support from ea, and going by their past track record with their "patches" that do practically fuck all except add more shit to be exploited, i dont think infinity ward have much to worry about. Pacific assault has flashy graphics yes..big deal, doom 3 and halflife 2 shites on pacific assault graphically, whos to say any of the 3 will play well? Counterstrike is the most played first person shooter in the world and does it boast 10,000 polygon models and 1280x1024 skins? Nope. Why is it popular? Little thing called GAMEPLAY. You can have all the flashy graphics you want but if it plays like a piece of shit then all you got yourself is a pretty nice lookin tech demo and nothing else. Call of duty has been reviewed and gotton scores of 9+ from nearly all its online reviews, its a proven game in terms of gameplay, it may not have the flashiest shit in the world but who cares, it runs out of the box and its accessable to people with pc's that are more or less "low end".
Pacific assault on the other hand just looks to be a resource hogging game, it has nice graphics, rag doll physics bla bla bla all which put more demand on the system. I can pretty much guarantee that pacific assault wont run as well out of the box or as smoothly as call of duty. Its a new engine ea are running it on which was supposodly built from the ground up for pacific assault specifically, its guaranteed to be glitchy. Wheras the quake 3 engine has been about since 1999, its bugs are long since worked out (didn;t have many to begin with).
The ball is in ea's court, they can either redeem themselves with a game that runs brilliantly and has loads of support for modding communities (and the odds of that happenning are about equal to the pope endorsing trojan condoms) or they can go their usual path of "fuck you we will patch it when and if we feel like it".
Just gotta wonder if the pc developer philisophy of "ship it now , finish it later" will come into play with pacific assault. sleeping: