Originally Posted by YourFragged
my god. i fucken HATE people like you. seriously, go cry me a river. this game was NOT meant to be realistic. if you want realism, go play CoD. now that is realistic. if you cannot kill a shotgun from long distance or heck even from close range, you are obviously not that good.. shotgunning, like every weapon, has its advantage and disadvantage..
my advice to you is to quit bitching about a weapon and start practicing. sounds like you could use the work.
told yah to loick it. just made me go all out
Um dude calm the hell down. eek:
I think i made my points clear. I think most people would agree that shotguns are too powerful and that it is a pain in the ass when newbies abuse them to kill veteran players not using them. I find it annoying when because of the power of them whole servers become a pray and spray fest. I have been playing for over a year and although i can't prove it obviosly i believe i am pretty good or at least better than average.
The intensity to which you reacted to my comments show me that obviosly you have nothing better to do in your life at the moment than play MOH. Relax man. annoy:
Oh and in regards to the shotguns being banned it was actually a Peace conference in the hague. The problem was the ammo not the guns. Expanding and soft ammo was outlawned. Since buckshot is soft and thus expanded when it hit flesh it could be argued that shotguns were thus an illegal weapon. However they are still utilized in militaries all over.