Originally Posted by JBird
[quote:03b18]Both the movie and series were done by the same crew. BOB was better becasue it was 10+ hours long. There was one thing that dissapointed me though, i dont remember seeing a single BAR in the entire BOB series.
not true. i just rewatched crossroads, there is a b.a.r. in it...watch night scene where they ambush the germans. the scene where winters takes a look over the hill. he then says "1st on the left....2nd on the left....3rd on the right...2nd from the right etc etc.." one of those guys has a b.a.r. i know what you mean though, you dont hear him firing it. i remember seeing it 2 or 3 times, but never hearing it or seeing a soldier firing one.[/quote:03b18]
Theres also one in ep 4 where there is the tiger covered with grass and some of the guys are by those barrels before the tiger shoots at them. ONe of them has a bar.
But you also need to remember the role of paratroopers. paratroopers are LIGHT INFANTRY. Machine guns are heavy, this is why you don't see many of them, because when you jump out of a plane you fall like a ton of bricks. That is why the ssmallest guy always carries machine guns/anti tank weapons on a jump. The other reason is that airborne are not very moblie. Would you want to carry around huge ass weapons? I don't.
30 cal are platoon support weapons., which means there would be only one per platoon. But they are 2 man weapons as a bar is a personal weapon. it just doesnt work in the airborne.
and a 50 cal weighs 126lbs total. so thats defintely out of the question.