Originally Posted by Madmartagen
get a pioneer 16x dvd rom for $30 bucks or so. ive heard those are the best ones out there, and mine hasnt given me trouble at all for years. ive broken a total of 2 drives the exact same way. i keep my tower on the floor and have a swivel chair. i opened my plextor cdrw to take out a disk, but i turned around for some reason and my knee struck the tray and broke it off of its track.
BWahaha! I've done that twice. It didnt break it either time. I was like, uh oh. Its not supposed to come out at that angle.. grabbed the deck, twisted, popped, and it worked.
The drive motor recently went out on my cd drive, after only two years. cuss:
I work at a computer shop, so I got a new one free biggrin: