01-01-2004, 07:32 AM
A new year has come and yet, that is hardly an occasion to
Yes, we add another unit to the years counter. So ? Why is
this considered a festive occasion ? The same problems and
unkept resolutions will be repeated and the world will still
be in a state of distress.
That is not to say I haven't had my share of fun: I had to,
seeing as others have made it their goal to profit from what
they've convinced people is a reason to celebrate. I'm more
concerned with the fact that we ignore the reasons why the
world we live in is in the state that it is. I'm concerned
with the fact that we could make our reality one in which
everyone enjoys the state of existing - alas, we turn away
from that which would cause emotional upsets and instead go
ahead with the generally accepted and forget what could be,
focusing our attention on what is instead of what could be
altered in a way which benefits all.
If you disagree with any of the above, chalk it up to my
good friend alcohol and ignore me. I hope you've all had
a safe and enjoyable 31st/1st ...