I went to Basic with no rank , I came out an E-3.
I got promoted while I was there because I was the Platoon Leader and I had alot of fun. I got everyone involved and we trained hard.
Now after that I went to my Army school. that lasted about 9 weeks.
I joined the National Guard , so after that I went home to do my 1 weekend a month 2 weeks a year thing.
I got E-4 the second month.
I spent a total of 2 years in the guard before I went Active Army.
I did not get above E-4 in the guard because there were no open slots. Meaning they already had all the E-4s they were allowed. This only happens in the Guard and Reserve. ( I think )
Anyway my point is I had E-4 in about 6 months.
If I had not been promoted then it could take as long as 2 years.
It depends on the person , there Phsical Fitness scores , ect.
Once you get E-4 you must become Promotable. This means you must pass all the requirements ie; Physical Fitness , Time frame for E-4 , Work must be inpecible , show leadership qualities , ect.
Once you are Promotable , then you must pass the Board.
This is where your CO and about 3-5 other E7-E9s will see you , and ask several questions ( of there choice ) on your job , general soldier skills and any thing else they feel you should know. Chain of Command , ect.
Once you pass the board , you are slotted to go to B-Noc.
You must pass B-Noc to remain promotable. If you fail you will have to go through the board again and will not be able to do that for 6 months.
Once you pass B-Noc , and return. You are reveiwed by the 1st Sgt. ( Company E-8 ) and the CO.
They will then promote you to E-5 , and hold a small ceromony in your honor.