Originally Posted by KTOG
Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
I dont care if hes a racist son of a bitch, hes gonna be an officer in the army, thats more than most of you fucks will do with your life. But remember while you sat from your chair to watch the next war, eames fought for you. Maybe if he was arabic and killed people for fun hed be more respectable to you dickwads.
Good thing we have some one that treats people equally high up in the military! rock:
PS: thanks for generalizing us you sack of shit. I'd rather do stuff for my community than kill another human for an american farse belief.
Do you guys honestly think that hes a racist son of a bitch to peoples faces? Id be willing to put a benjamin on it that hes not. Eames is a kid that on the internet has the biggest balls imaginable.
Are they really all farse believes ktog? Was world war two fought over farse believes, were saving people from the gas chambers farse believes. I will be joining the military in two years, and ill be fucked if the reason is to kill. Soldiers saved my grandpop as a little boy, and I too hope to help people in the army be them my people or people from another country both equally important.
Theres many ways to help sure you could think the best way to help the world is to donate youre time to a retirement home. ANd eames might think the best way to help his country is to fight for something he believes in. Theres no perfectlly right way to help but they all help.
I didnt generalize you guys, i just think its pretty shitty to call a guy out whos currently training to fight for you guys. This would be no differnt if Eames was training to be a firefighter or a cop, theyre all civil servents.
Eames is racist we all know that, racism is half unbringing half ignorance. He will wise up one day. I think the army is perfect for him he will expiercence first hand people of all races with the same believes as him.
What do i know about anything, im just a sack of shit rolleyes: