Egging someones house is bad enough, but breaking a window? That's a fucking retarded move on your part. What if some lil' kid got hurt by broken glass? You're an asshole, you know that? If some jackass threw something at my house, i'd choke him out right there in the fuckin' street for all to see.
Egging someones house is bad enough, but breaking a window? That's a fucking retarded move on your part. What if some lil' kid got hurt by broken glass? You're an asshole, you know that? If some jackass threw something at my house, i'd choke him out right there in the fuckin' street for all to see.
if we went thru life thinking about the consequences we wouldn't really be living
Me and friends went uh... mobbing (driving through muddy terrain-like areas), we got stuck and the tires got so low through the mud that the fron axel was just resting on the ground that was still hard. Took us about 3 hours to get out, we covered the whole Blazer in mud after we got it out. It was fun. I know Kyle (Unknown_Sniper) will want to hear more about his since he is into mobbing. biggrin: dance:
Oh, and you are a pathetic piece of shit for being a vandal and breaking that window. oOo: