Okay this is my spin on it being a detroit area guy and I saw the game last night.
Pacers smacked the pistons pretty good...late in the game this homo named ron artest tries to go hard at ben wallace. Big Ben isnt gonna take his shit and was pretty fed up from the game and shoved his ass almost back to Indiana...the players scuffled.
That should have been the end of it.
But, the reason why they shouldnt sell alcohol at sports games showed up...some asshat fan threw a beer right into artests face. That fan and any other fan deserved exactly what they got. Most of the "fans" if thats what you want to call them, tried to sucker punch the indiana players in the back of the head etc....the one that tried to step to artest got fucking smoked and his buddy behind him got rocked like a hurricane by O'neal.
Then other stupid ass fans were throwing beer and snacks and whatever on the pacer players as they left the court...
I was embaressed for our city and our team because of these ass hat fans.
Update artest, stephen jackson, jermaine oneal and ben wallace have all been suspeneded indefininantly
Sux for wallace who just let his emotions get ahold of him, he should have been suspended but not as much as the guys battling fans in the stands.
I hope the cops get these dumb fucks and throw them in jail for a couple months