I made a mod for RTCW which used a capture of the Enemy at the Gates scene where the german soldiers fired from inside the Halftrack.Get it and unzip the PAK file and extract the mp40 wave,then from some temp directoy on ya harddrive repack into a MOH:AA
PAK file higher than 5,like the ones on this site.Look for Soundpack.zip.Or if you like I'll put one up tonight.?
I found this sound file. It sounds much like the RTCW one... I'm curious if it is, but download it at your own risk. I am not responsible in any way if you use this file. http://www.geocities.com/acgreen96/mp40fire1.wav
In enemy at the gates....the first wave of russian soldiers attacks it shows the nazis with rifles and mp-40s and you can here em......just listen to it..
okay, so u guys that have heard the MP40 in action in various movies,etc.. did they sound like the MP40 in mohaa? because i have seen too many shows of Combat! to know that the mohaa MP40 sounds nothing like what sgt. saunders and his Combat! squad encountered