Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Originally Posted by Noctis
The problem is that the media is embedded with the troops now, this was the worst idea ever. The media's focus on negative reporting has destroyed troop morale and given whack job protestors even more ammunition.
The media reports the negative aspects of the Iraq war because the Iraq war was unnecessary and a waste of our soldiers. We shouldnt be there in the first place. No one bashes the Afghan war because nearly everyone supports the cause and agrees with the reasons why we fight there. How many whack job protestors are protesting the Afghan war?
I think Noctis knows that, but what is he is trying to say is that there is NOTHING we or the media can do to bring them home right now, so why report the negative shit when all it does is get more people killed? Report something good or nthing at all so at least the troop morale can be high and they can do their job better.