Originally Posted by elstatec
Originally Posted by Arkan
Thats the next step for me.....learning how to burn DVD's. Anyone want to offer advice on what software and DVD format is best??
visit doom9.org arkan, very easy to learn steps and they offer free software to do it with
I use and highly suggest dvdshrink (
http://www.dvdshrink.org/what.html ) to compress the dvd file to fit onto a dvd disc. I would reccomend their older version 3.17 because 3.2 has some issues with newer dvd copyrights
The i use dvd decrypter(
http://www.dvddecrypter.com/ ) to burn the image onto the dvd.
works really well, though with some of the newer dvds they have some copyright protection which can usually be broken by searching on their forums
just type in the movies name into search ie (afrowhores 7) and usually someone has a fix.
I would then go to that site that short posted for the covers if you are interested in those.