[quote="Zap. USMC":4820d][quote="Unknown_Sniper":4820d]
Originally Posted by Nyck
what a douche bag..I cant believe he has pictures of the troops with SCUMBAG GOT PWND! and shit...
This type of guy crys like a bitch about money. get the fuck out of here...Its not like US troops are fucking getting phat paid. They are pretty meager pay and they dont get the benefit of having holidays off and shit.
Actually I know a soldier over in Kuwait right now who when he gets back to the US is going to buy a brand new Mercedes with cash that he earned over seas. Then hes buying a house. Dont get me wrong but that seems like some nice money.[/quote:4820d]
Hah, do you have any idea what we get paid when not in a combat zone? Not very much. Your friend is probably a Staff NCO or an officer to buy all that shit when he comes back. I had a friend who came back from Iraq who was a E-3 (Lance Corporal) and only had like 18 grand banked... not enough to buy a house or a luxury car.
It's not a vacation over in the middle east when getting deployed... just getting tax free and combat pay is a "bonus". It's just something to make getting deployed to Iraq "better" so to say. When we're deployed we don't get weekends or holidays and obviously we're getting shot at and fuckin' blown apart by IEDs at every corner.[/quote:4820d]
Hes not really my friend and I havent talked to him directly but he is really good friends with my ex who told me this. He rides in blackhawks over in the middle east and does search and rescue. He volunteered to go to Iraq to fill in some open spots but I dont know if he was sent there or not.