[quote=Swill][quote="Short Hand":2964e][quote=Swill]7600`s are coming out soon for nvidia ... just wait for those[/quote]
the 7800's you mean... and the only reason the 850 is so cheap right now is becasue of its pending luanch... They are trying to sell them off asap. (this gens high end cards)[/quote]
[url="http://www.mwave.com/mwave/viewspec.hmx?scriteria=AA35630"]http://www.mwave.com/mwave/viewspec.hmx ... ia=AA35630[/url]
biggrin: theres the 7800 already out
edit: that ones gone but heres more links...
http://www.eastluna.com/hardware/detail ... uctID=0729
http://www.pcclub.com/product_detail.cf ... o=A9602780 i might get that one
dunno yet... i got some more money when i sold my old.[/quote:2964e]
But...why? Why now I mean...(if your going to spend the money anyhow) wait for the Ultra. Simple.