Originally Posted by Pyro
I prefer glasses...I don't see why people associate it with being a nerd or something...I find them more comfortable than contacts and easier to use...and i don't know I get a difference of opinion on if I look better with glasses or not from chicks...it is really close to 50-50...but all the girls I tend to like to be around are on the glasses side.
I've worn glasses all my live, but before i had them paid for me (due to me being in full time education) so never really got the choice. Most of my mates will find me looking weird, cause they rarely see me without my glasses.
I suppose i probably do look better with my glasses on to my mates, cause they havent had chance to see me without them.
thanks for the headsup about keeping a pair of glasses handy mad, I'll prolly buy some new ones if i find myself using them reguarly at night. Until then i'll stick with these.