Originally Posted by Acideyez
Originally Posted by jujumantb
texas grilled fritoes, they have those grill marks on the frito...
hell yeah, reminds me of the good old days when me and my dad would fire up the grill and throw down on some fritoes. Better flip that frito dad, you know how I like em.
texans grill corn chips? WTF!?
I was in downtown minneapolis and I saw this duck. Now I knew he was lost because ducks arent supposed to be downtown, theres nothing for them there. So I went into a subway and asked for a loaf of bread, the woman said that'll be a dollar fifty. I said 'but its for a duck', then she said 'ok then its free'. See I did not know this,
ducks eat for free at subway. If I would have known that, i would have ordered a
much larger sandwich. 'Gimme the steak fajita sub, but dont bother ringin it up, its for a DUCK. Theres six ducks out there, and they all want sunchips!'