Originally Posted by Nyck
1st off you and me are oil and water. Every single response from you is something laced with an insult(what in the fuck does Nascar have to do with anything) if anyone disagrees with you thats the first thing you do, you insult them, so grow the fuck up.
you are the married man bringing up a photo of nutella on my face as if it would insult me so there is another double standard for you sleeping:
[quote:5ac7d]I'm amazed at how well you know the Iranian Government and all of its plans, so much so that you are POSITIVE, they have no desire for a nuclear weapon and that all their intentions are very innocent[/quote:5ac7d]
I'm amazed at how well you know the Iranian Government and all of its plans to produce nuclear weapons. So stfu.
[quote:5ac7d]These people have no fear of death, so what if they got nuked back, they fufilled their duty to allah[/quote:5ac7d]
dumb, stereotyped and racist.