I said I was finished with this thread but whatever. Firstly I only have to use only one argument to justify the bedding theory. The iraq war. FAIR did a study stating just how ignorant the press was in its reporting.
* Seventy-six percent of all sources were current or former officials, leaving little room for independent and grassroots views. Similarly, 75 percent of U.S. sources (199/267) were current or former officials.
* At a time when 61 percent of U.S. respondents were telling pollsters that more time was needed for diplomacy and inspections (2/6/03), only 6 percent of U.S. sources on the four networks were skeptics regarding the need for war.
* Sources affiliated with anti-war activism were nearly non-existent. On the four networks combined, just three of 393 sources were identified as being affiliated with anti-war activism-- less than 1 percent. Just one of 267 U.S. sources was affiliated with anti-war activism-- less than half a percent.
The report goes on to conclude many other mistakes. The corporate media was literally banging the drums for war, no objectivity was heard. It was all let's go to war to fight for freedom..no one even questioned the actual rationale for war. Another one of my favorite media stories was the Micheal Gordon - Judith Miller articles (work for NY times, the most liberal media outlet) They wrote stories that would later be pardoned by the editorial staff at NY Times, they literally told their readers "sorry we printed this stuff". The articles that were published were based on false facts and government sources that were told to leak info to the press. President Bush actually would quote the article in a press briefing at his ranch. Now this is only one example, I'd rather not go on because it's highly tedious and exhaustive and I know only a small fraction of American society can actually grabble the media theories. And that's fine I guess. And I always hear "the media is liberal" I've never seen hard facts...can you give me some studies or something I'm interested.