The main problem is the lack of variety with the objective maps. All 4 involve blowing up cannons. Bad move by 2015, really. It's in their court to make some more innovative maps designs and make them fast.
As for DM/TDM and Round-Based maps, the only mode that has any lasting appeal for me is RB... And what do ya know? It's the least popular mode and there is only a handful of 1.1 version servers that support it out there. I can see why... lots of camping on public servers and in some games you can go an entire round until the timer runs out and no one will make a move.
The thing is, if the players all play to kill and not camp, RB is way more involving than TDM or DM.
Well, what does Deathmatch for MoH
not have that just about every other online shooter has for deathmatch (yes that doesn't include CS, 'cos that is teamplay only)?
MoH doesn't have resources to control. You know... Guns on the floor that respawn, ammo shortage, armor pickups etc etc.
Now, for most people this would be sacrelidge because it isn't 'realistic'. Yes, and respawning after you die is realistic, is it?
To make DM and TDM more fun and much more tactical they'd need to allow weapon pickups and weapon switching. This would mean you spawned with only a pistol.
Imagine how much more fun it would be to hold the courtyard on Algiers if there was a cache of armor and the machine gun spawned there?
Or rpg?
How about if you could switch weapons? You start with a pistol, but if you are a good player you could pick up weapons and do combos.
The joy of games like Half-Life and Quake and others is that you can switch out weapons and perform combos.
The joy of those games for deathmatch and teamplay is that you have to hold specific areas of advantage.
In MoH deathmatch there is no particular area of advantage and because of the way the game works (either random respawns for DM, or location-based respawns for TDM) the game flows around the map far too fluidly to make it worth while trying to hold a position purely because it's better situated than another.
MoH isn't realistic. Especially DM. Those that prefer a more measured team game will always play objective, and at the moment TDM gets dull very very fast.
There is no difference between maps, really. So one may be a little closer and claustrophobic (Stalingrad) and another more open and spacious (Remagen). But essentially there's little difference between any of them except the scenery.
Objective will always be more involving as you have the added challenge of staying alive. TDM and DM you don't care if you die.
If you had spent the last few minutes trying to gain and hold a position and acquire a decent arsenal of weaponry and armor then you would not want to lose it all by being wreckless.
I just think the single weapon choice should be reserved for round-based games and objective games as it makes more sense.
But in TDM and DM you just find yourself doing the same thing over and over and over and over again with no real thought for tactics.
I don't know... It'll never happen. I don't mind the game as it is and I do enjoy objective and round-based... But you only have to play TDM and DM for one or two map rotations before you get sick of it.
A mod that makes Deathmatch more like a deathmatch would be interesting. At the moment it's just reflex and action, rather than thought and planning.
I hope they release some better Objectives soon.