Well I was passing by the are today, and I guess is a hangout spot for this group. Well, this time they weren't arguing about the rangers, but in my mind have become even more nerdier - cause they were playing either magic or that other one 'You-Gay-Oh'
And tripper - it was like 9:20AM, I just left my early ass class ... I was just gona relax for a bit - is not like i'm the only one that does it, it wasn't until now that I decided to take a nap at one of the many lounges, throughout the whole day I see people that just grab a whole sofa and fall asleep for at least days. idk maybe they are dead.
They were just having fun, you sound like the faggots at school who deem themselves to cool to talk about old cartoons because they've evolved to the higher form of entertainment or whateever the fuck im done talking