Originally Posted by Tripper
Looking good
Why dont you just save time by printing a stencil onto card, cutting it out and spraying it? Then you could keep the stencil and use it again as well...
because i havent figured out a good way to hold the pieces not connected to the main stencil- interior masking pieces like the bottom part of dylans hand in this one. if you can think of a good way, let me know. the great thing about tape is that all the edges are, well, taped securely down so the spraypaint has no chance of getting under it and ruining the clean lines, other times ive used card stencils like youre referring to, this has presented a problem which would only amplify with more complex stencils like these. i know i could just lay those interior pieces down, ive thought of it, but spraypaint has some force to it which can easily blow them out of place. I have thought about coating a card stencil with a little spray adhesive just so it gets tacky, but for what im doing, this way works best, i have no real reason to spray multiple prints, though it would be nice if there was an easy way of doing it