Originally Posted by ninty
i'll wait for the demo before condeming the game. they've been saying all along scalable back 3 years, and i read in maximum pc that they said c2d 8800gts @ 1280 would run near max settings, so hopefully this turns out to be true.
The demo peformance should be a good indicator, then again though the games not due till 16th of november, so the demo optomisation might not be indicitive of the full games performance. Usually a games sent off for duplication 3-4 weeks before hand so that gives them a few more weeks to optomise it further.
The mp is really confusing though, theres literally no physics action, no grabbing and tossing people or objects yet it really runs like a dog. Its kinda BF2 styyled on large maps with some vehicles knocking around, only difference is you get points for capping areas or killing enemies and use these to buy weapons or apc's\tanks.