Originally Posted by "Airborne Butters":fb32c
I like how his own webpage lies. It says he asked "a question". The douchebage asked one question then kept asking question after question before Kerry could answer. They also link a video that shows the idiot resisting arrest and causing a scene before being tasered and subdued. Fucking hippy ass college students.
You are fucked up dude...I dont know how this does NOT disgust you. Im absolutely appalled by the fucking rent-a-cops. "Hippy ass college students;" you're a tool. Maybe if you were in college you would check facebook and the eyewitness accounts by other college students, and what MANY of the people in the room did after this happened.

I dont get how you call them rent-a-cops. I work Campus police, and we are special State police officers, with full arrest powers. We dont have tasers, but everything else we do have.
If they were 'rent a cops' they wouldnt have the right to arrest.
I dont see what is disgusting here. He made a reference which wasnt appropriate, the police tried to escort him out - which was all they could do at that point - but as soon as he started flailing they tried to arrest, in which he resisted. There were about 6 officers around who couldnt get him under control - What do you expect them to do? Keep asking him nicely?