I am affraid EA anouced that BJ2002 would only be released to those who had sluttty girlfriends... DAMN you EA, damn you to hell! The community as a whole deserves a copy.
big fucking surprise, at least we can still easily extract the game files and hopefully fix em up a bit to make it somewhat enjoyable. who knows, maybe x-wings or something :roll:
not if EA encrypts those files, which they most likely will do :x
well, i might as well start saving another 50 dollars.
more vehicles, and distinction between countries will be "convienently" placed in an expansion pack!
I'm glad to see people are actually coming to their senses. I remember people saying "Oh BF1942 is going to be way better than MOHAA!" Bullcrap. Sure the full game wil be better, but it will still be a POS.
"Hey Hans, is that a new fighter?"
"Jeez Willie what hole did you crawl out of? It the new Fusion engined Proton Torpedo carrying BADASS of the Lufftwafa(sp)!!"
from what i have heard it must really stink and so i am not going to even bother. the game better be a ton better or i am going ot be REALLY angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it says bungie.net right on it... oh yeah, trailorpark corvette never learned how to read :lol:
Schalldampfer, everyone has different opinions of course. if you played the tobruk demo, i would understand. but the wake island demo is amazing.... once you get past the stupidity of the bots.