Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by SoViEt
gerard, maybe u were playing in the wrong servers all the time... there is infantry combat, tho not as intense as MOHAA, it's as fun. in a game today, i was an assaulter, one guy drove an armored truck, picked up 4-5 guys including me on the way and we drove straight into the heart of airbase... truck took some shots but survived the trip.. we then jumped off the truck and all of us cleared house by house around the flag, with some support from the tank behind us... me as infantry i felt the action was intense and fun...
and if you pay attention to the scoreboard... most top fraggers are infantry...
Umm no if you pay attention to the actual scores when the games playing you will see most kills are because of tanks and planes divebombing. Afik the score board only shows the players name and their class it doewsn't say what vehicle they used.
when there are tanks.... use engineer and deploy mines all over... they won't survive... a 2-3 anti-tank squad will work too, and head to the nearest aa guns if there are planes flying around... lead the planes about 2-3 meter and they'll go down like flies....
in some server you can't even fly the plane or drive tank for more than 5 minutes coz every aa guns are manned and the roads are full of mines.... the only way to take over a base is to fly the plane over the base and parachute down... or an infantry assault....
i'd try to find a vehicle everytime i play during the first 2 days of bf1942... but now i rather drive a jeep or truck loaded with anti-tanks/assaulters and go get the flag! fire2: