Originally Posted by "Pfc.Green
I will not remove my 6th Great uncle from my sig, and he is also the name sake of my tank.... p.s. VIVA LA HISTORY FORUM!!![/quote
Sherman was family? Man, I dont know how many times my great grandma has cursed sherman and his family (when she was alive). She still held a grudge for his March to the sea and the burning of Atlanta. Southern thing, I guess. I had a great something or another uncle that was a confederate colonel. His name escapes me right now. I will have to check when I get home. I have a copy of his memoirs/diary from before the war until after its conclusion. I'm rather annoyed I cant remember his name.
Now see this is the kind of discussion we would be having in the history froum.
P.S. Sherman hated what he had to do in the south, he even taught at a military school down south.