First news on the beta delay, spent some time with the wife this weekend instead of working on this. Bad for those of you itching to get your hands on the beta, good for me however.

Fear not, won't take me long to finish cleaning it up so the beta testers can actually deal with it.
Ladder/MG-42 trick: Actually some guy called "Mentally Unstable" came up with the fix, however I was unable to convert it to a working server-side fix. Yes, it could be "snuck in" with other maps or even the future client side portion of DMz Dogtag (which I have been considering) but as Raph Koster says in the [url=]Laws of Online World Design[/url:24e0b]
Never trust the client. Never put
anything on the client. The client is in the hands of the enemy. Never ever ever forget this."
I am very reluctant to do any client side fixes, since they may give admins a feeling a false security; however I have also not ruled out the possibility.
Butcher: I don't think I shot you down, I merely gave you my opinion, and yes I still do believe server-side maps are a novelty. While I applaud the effort and ingenuity that went into these server-side mods, in comparison with the real mapping out there they are definately not in the same league. I have to agree with Rudedog on the classification, this particular project is definately more of a server-side admin mod than a map mod. As for the blown bridge mod, it'll probably never be released to the public due to issues with invisible bridge pieces being left behind. While it can be fun to play, it's also not working nearly good enough to release.