Pepsi Blue taste very bad. It was supposed to be like the Vanilla Coke. I mean that Vanilla Coke taste Coke with some vanilla flavour added. Pepsi Blue was supposed to taste like normal Pepsi with some wild berry flavor added, and a blue color instead of brown. It's not the case. Pepsi Blue taste like liquid candy... very bad. I bought a 2 liters bottle, drank less that half a cup, and threw it to garbage.
Yes I bought it in Quebec City, Canada, 3 days ago. I heard about it 3 months ago, and waited for it. 3 days ago, when I first saw it, I tasted it and it was not was I was hoping. I did'nt liked it. But maybe you'll like it. If there is not yet in Calgary, It should not be long before you see it.