I KNOW this game is going to be solo a lot of the time.. But when your not alone and with a squad the squad should stick with you.. Especially Omaha, some1 said ur squad got wiped out.. Well there are more people commin so they should rally up and come with u.. This is a great game, i am amazed, i just want a little more squad combat in the squad levels.. Calm down every1
Sorry about the name calling Kiaser, and yes i know there will be plenty of squad combat like in Half-Life:Opposing Force. And they better have a lot of Squad combat or a certian somone from 2015 is going to a 30.06 bullet through there skull!!
Yah I thought it would be a little different, but it is still good, I just dont like when you enter the top of the Bunker the germans are looking at you, shouldnt they be shotting at the beach....
This is for maddog....
Nice work maddog, you make some very good points and I would like to add to your arguement. First off, about the nazis falling so fast from springfield fire, bullets flying in the air from a rifle travel at around 1700 feet per second give or take a few 100 feet. The nazis on the ridge looked about 50-100yds away, which mean that, in the real world, before the smoke from the gun barrel has ended ejecting, that bullet is in the skull of the enemy. So I think that the german soliders are not falling to fast. Also, the force from the bullet would make them fall back like that.
Now, Powel (sp?) gets shot 9 times which could be quite unbelieveable, but we must remember that he is (should be) wearing a flak jacket, a crude bullet proof vest worn by the soliders who landed on Normandy. This jacket, if the solider was lucky enough not to get shot in the head, would protect him from small caliber bullets.
Ok, something that I saw that was definatly unrealistic. When Powel throws the grenade into the bunker where 3 nazis are, none of them die. This is bogus! The shrapnel from one of those grenades has alot of force and WILL kill anyone with in a 10 foot radius, which the enemy soliders are in. The weapon desciption on the site even says that it only does 1-5 hp of damage. Thats bull. They should up that to at least 50 if you are in a 10 ft radius and make it do less damage if you are further away.
Thats my 2 cents. Replies are welcome.
[This message has been edited by sensei (edited August 09, 2001).]