Dual boot Win98SE(meybe XP soon)/Mandrake 8.0
Abit BE6-II (BX chipset) mobo
PIII-450 (SL35D), oc'd to 522 (116x4.5)
256 megs pc133 SDRAM (Micron)
SBLive value
Altec ACS-5 Speakers(2)
ATA66 controller (onboard)
Maxtor 13gb ata66 (master)
WD 40gb ata100 (slave,obviously @ 66mb/s)
Intel EtherExpress 16TP (currently)
Hauppage WinTV card
old azz floppy
HiVal (Kenwood) 50x CDROM
Alaska ATX case
Get around 35 avg fps in mohaa (800x600, medium details), sometimes into single digits, as high as 90fps indoors... Playable. Very. (I have no choice ;-)
Wanting to upg to something like BallisticWookie is getting..