10-28-2002, 11:11 AM
rockets aren't really cheap, but in a team match i think only 1 or 2 rocket users per team is acceptable, the multiple kill ratio is just too high when like 8 guys run around firing them everywhere. It also makes no sense when in close quarters, why do rocket users insist on firing it when it kills not only thier intended victom, but also themselves? (you can always switch to pistol) Oh well, they lose a kill, we just get a death.... as a Stg user and a fan of CKR i beleive the BAR and Stg are equal, a well practiced BAR user is as lethal as the best sniper, and in close quarters i cant usually beat a thompson user, regardless of firing in any burst fashion or emptying the clip... all's fair in War, right? we just gotta use common sense, if in a CKR setting it would be anti-realism to have more than 1 or 2 rocket users per team, i guess...