[quote="Gauge.pZ":8127e]Quasi.. Anyone that makes cheats uses them. I don't care how many times he tells us he doesn't. Why would you make something but not use it? Sound pretty dumb to me. Kinda like saying when the old timers built their own house with their own bare hands. You think they sold them? Hell no they lived in them. Okay maybe not the best analogy but hey you get the idea.

I don't want to get into a debate with you on this subject mainly because its off topic but lots of people make things that they never use or don't make public. I can not believe you have never done something just to see if you could do it. Thats what hackers do, look at the code and the way the program works and then try to edit it to make it do something else. Its fun and sometimes funny. The biggest thrill is when someone say this is cheat proof and will catch all the cheaters. Thats just begging for hackers to break it.
But just because you do it does not mean you use it or even have it anymore. I myself have found a group of people that I play with often and am somewhat sure that they do not use hacks or mods so have wiped all them out of my main and play with a straight virgin install now.
Can hacking and mods cause problems, heck ya, in the hands of people that have no morals or abuse them they can and have caused problems.