Illegal Name on MOHAA Server -
11-05-2002, 10:27 PM
Hey all, thought you guys might wanna give this some thoughts. Got an email from a unix admin who I think played on my server.
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Today (5 Nov 02, about 2210) a player with the following name is playing on your server: IceVirus-TDM Server | Realism | Stock Maps | 4 private slots (
waffen-ss-execute jews
This a hate name and under the law constitute a hate crime. When you get the chance please add his/her name to your player removal software. I will turn all this information over Secret Service (Handles Computer Crimes) and the FBI (for possible investigation of a Hate Group). Please be careful, as law is pretty plain. If you have knowledge of person or person(s) doing this type of activity you could held liability under Federal/States statutes. Also if you are running a server, it DOES NOT lessen your liability because you are not there. I would strongly advise you to check in every once in a while. Because I do like your server, I'm giving you warning in advance.
Mr. Richard I. Bartlett
Senior System Security Engineer
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Any advice on this? Thanks for all the helps.