01-06-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Sargent_Scrotum:
Originally posted by Tha Great One:
canadian kid..how ironic
& american kids never do anything stupid? iread somewhere that hundreds of kids have been injured down in the states (im sure their have been some in canada too) trying to redo their own jackass stunts.
your right..but then again im not american [/quote:6d209]
Well I am an American Kid and I agree with the Canadians on this one thing and this only. Some kids down here in the States are just plain dumb(This doesnt even come close to describing the full extent of their.....stupidity). But At least none of us have gone into a sewer full of waste on just a dare!!!! We Americans are smart enough to know we can make money from that sort of thing biggrin: . [/quote]