Originally Posted by Strik0r
so they can sell more co2 detectors?
i'm not a scientist, i don't care about global warming since i'll be long dead by the time we fuck up our atmosphere and all that other stuff the greens whine about.
i wonder if they could have the 3 boobed hookers on terraformed mars...herm...
we'll have 3 boobed hooklers on Earth in about 50 years if we don't switch to (relatively) harmless nuclear power.
just look at the Navy, they have lots of nuclear reactors and not one ever broke.
France gets 76% of it's electricity from nukes and a French exchange student told me all heating is electric and electricity is damn cheap.
I lived in Germany (where most power and heat comes from coal and oil) and I didn not like the air there. The US natural gas furnace idea is a lot cleaner than what ze krauts use, but nuke/electrical would be better still.