01-28-2003, 07:34 PM
[quote="Pfc.Green":699c2][quote="Sgt Stryker":699c2]
I've seen a report on Iraq's "WMDs",
their botulism bombs they were testing have a 33% chance of killing test animals within 25 meters of the hit. An M-2 fragmentation grenade has a 50% chance to kill anything within 25 meters, so is a frag nade considered a WMD now?[/quote:699c2]
No an M-2 Frag grenade is not considered a WMD, it is a conventional weapon. WMD are Chemical, Biological or Nuclear.[/quote:699c2]
that was sarcasm.
My point is that Iraq's WMDs are less effective than a good old frag grenade.
I would like to see Saddam gone but Bush is going about it in the wrong way. First we must loosen our grip, so agents can get undercover in Iraq easier, the inevitable terrorist ties would turn up by teh end of the year, plenty of time then to bomb the crap out of Saddam, with 99% of our people suporting it (because of undeniable proof).