"Ultimate Surrender," a video game based upon the proud military traditions of the Gauls.
Marketing tests show that "Ultimate Surrender" is a big hit with French teenagers and young adults who are too young to have experienced France’s lightening surrender to the Germans in 1940 or its defeat by the Vietnamese in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu. "Zees is a great tool to inspire ze patriotism in ze youths, n’est ce pas?" said General Jean-Jacques Loseur, Commander-in-Chief of the French Army, during his weekly press conference. "Since ze end of ze Cold War we French have not had many opportunities to surrender or to show great cowardice in the face of much weaker opponents."
When questioned about comments made in the French Chamber of Deputies that "Ultimate Surrender" makes the French Army look like a bunch of gutless mama’s boys, General Loseur pulled out a white handkerchief, put his hands over his head and said, "Oh heck, I give up."
This is seriously one funny ass thread! LOL! all you people dont like bashing the french eh? well now you know how us americans feel now pretty much every thread has some sort of anti american post in it
Yeah, leave 'em alone. They're not good at killing people, BIG DEAL. They refined the erotic arts.
well, not all French are cowards.
Ever hear of the Normandie Niemen squadron? They wreaked all kinds of havok against the krauts. (of course it's pretty difficult NOT TO defeat an ME-109 with a Yak-3 biggrin: )