I want to get that Totenkopf shirt. The poster is cool, but the Stormtroopers have gotten a less than popular reputation. I don't think raising a poster in my room would do me any justic.
I also found some intresting stuff about how the WaffenSS were the first to use camoflouge. kinda cool.
I think learning stuff about the Waffen-SS is cool, so is collecting stuff biggrin: but i dont think wearing a T-shirt with a swastica or the SS is appropriate.
The SS where as today USA's Rangers, and elite fighting unit. Yes some SS did go to the camps. but that doesnt mean all of the SS where Jew hating souless killers. I find The history about the SS interesting.
but then again thats my opinion
* no posters where harmed in the making of this post *
Tolerance is a more recent idea, during the 30's and 40's the hating of jews was really common in europe and the USA, for instance Dwight D. Eisenhower wasn't very fond of Jews. The holocaust was what really changed that.