[quote="Capt. John Miller":39315][quote=Tripper]
Originally Posted by "Airborne Butters":39315
By not supporting us in our war against Saddam and his rain of tyranny. And for helping Iraq build his nuclear program.
But does the U.S really need support? I mean, the French are doing more than other nations.
They did fuck up when they helped Sadaam, but the French always fuck up when it comes to nuclear weapons.....
But every nation fucks up....The U.S fucked over the Iraqi people at the end of the last Gulf War.[/quote:39315]
We are gonna fix what we fucked over back in 1991, this is one reason for war.
Also france is doing more than most nations? ed: eek:[/quote:39315]
Yeah, they're offering airfields for use, and allowing the U.S miliotary to fly over their airspace, Belgium refused this.
The French also now are saying that if Sadaam should use chemical weapons, they will act. I think these are fine terms.
More than every other nation in the world aside from Britain, Australia and a couple other random nations who are totally supporting the U.S....
[quote="Big Jake":39315]Thinking that Hitler wouldn't attack Poland and they wanted more proof before they reacted. So then in all the French Wisdom they built their wall that was suspossed to hold the Germans. But hey, here is something the French didn't think of, Instead of attacking a full frontal assault like they were suspossed to, the Germans cheated and went around the wall. Those Bastards!! Before the French knew it, the Germans were walking down the streets of Paris and Hitler was doing his little victory dance.
Fast Forward a few years to Vietnam. Once again the Frenchies said that they needed more proof that the Viet Cong had a massive Army. So what happened? Dien Ben Phu. The French were cutoff and after a nice little fireworks display the French were out of Vietnam.
What is the point? The point is throughout history the Frenchies needed more proof before they decide to act. Little too late the French always got their asses kicked. Its the same thing now, they didn't want to help us when we asked for it, so fuck em! Don't let them say shit after post war Iraq.
Oh BTW Simo Häyhä this isn't alittle war who has 1 point and who doesnt. This is a nice conversation. Don't start anything you can't finish son. I don't wnat to turn this into a flame war.[/quote:39315]
You know, Britain also appeased the Germans, it wasn't just France.....In fact, it was Chamberlain who pushed to appease, more than the French themselves.
Can't you see that because of the fact they always get fucked over, they are sitting this one out for a while....They're in no direct danger like they were in WW1 & WW2, so they can safely do so. Apparently Bush doesn't rerally care about his soldiers lives as much as the French government does.