Originally Posted by Judas
Originally Posted by C20H25N3O
As one of the older forlorn regs, I find myself used to CKR. I don't mind MOB's too much. But I haven't tried to many others. Personally I perfer the mauser, compared to the stg. You can only get 120 kills some many times before it gets boaring.
i dont care much for mobs. theyve destroyed my two favorite realism weapons , the bar and kar. semi auto kar is the worst thing since the stg and the bar with rof = stg is awful. the bar in 1.0 owned
Mob's equal weapons mod is definately a mg whore mod. But what is the difference? Every mod favors a certain weapon. As long as the sides are even, I'm ok. The muaser does suck on mob. I wish they could make it identical to the m1.
ARE5 is OK. The recoil is a bit excessive, but easily ovecome by usning short bursts which most top players use anyways.