Why do you think it's fake? Man, that's why I wasn't going to post the screens I new I'd have people calling it bs. I does start under him. the blood pools are random. That blood pool is actually for the head.
I have 15 splatter combos and 23 pools. When you shoot some one the blood on the wall appears. it DOES NOT drip. And the blood on his chest DOES NOT spread, it just appears. the pools of blood do get larger and are random. The pool in that image is actually meant for the head. Does that clear anything up. Also (if you haven't read the others) I spent 53 hours on this which I garuntee is 5 times more than an other mod maker for this game. I really took my time. I did use an airbrush in photoshop and videoshop to animate the blood. for the death sequences Once again the picture is an actual screenshot from the mod. Thank you.
The reason I made this mod was not for you guys to use. My first intention was to sell it as a new base program to some amatuers who are making a game about the war in Afghanistan. They are using the Engine from mohaa. So by giving them this program they will be able to produce their game faster.
You can believe anything you want to believe. It is real. And if you truly want to see it, then SHUT-UP!!! sorry. I already have that offer from the amatuers for $150.
The problem if you ask me is that how he explains it is not how the picture is. He says the blood does not drip, well how is it able to drip down through the cracks in the rock? it just appears, magically perfectly aligned?